Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I Can Stand Anything for an Hour, But That's All

Here are the notes I jotted:
  • Slash—was he married to an Everley Brothers daughter?
  • Kara's hair looks horrible.
  • Paula's boobs . . . are so very visible. For God's sake, I can match drapes to those things.
What I did not take notes on:
  • Adam's song
  • Allison's song
  • Kris's song
  • Danny's song
Because ohmygodthismusicbleh. I'm just saying. Your mileage may vary.

I did enjoy the A&A duet—what a magnificent Final Two they would be. And I liked Kris's version of "Come Together" way more than Carly's version of it last year, and as I recall, the judges wet themselves over Carly, so go figure.

For the first time, I got some busy signals when dialing tonight (for Allison)—good sign? Hope so!

Lady Chardonnay OUT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me, too, Lady C. This is not what I call music. Just noise. Yucky noise. I even hate the clothes.
Cindy in SC