Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where the Boys Are!

Just kidding... I am going to cover both nights, but I wanted to beat Lady Char to that title. I am singing it right now, Char! And a huge thanks to you for braving the early weeks of AI.

So before I get started, I have to explain the picture. Jacob at TWoP explained Casey James as looking like the biologically improbable product of Sawyer and Dick Casablancas from VERONICA MARS. And he really does!

And now I am going to mix the genders ahead of anyone because I am too lazy to blog twice. You will notice that I am using first and last names. That is because I am refering to the AI cheat sheet.

My Favorite contestants: John Park, Tyler Grady, Siobhan Magnus and Katie Stephens. John's parents need money! Siohhan is a glass blower! Katie has an autistic grandma! I tried to sleep with boys just like Tyler all through college (until I met Mr. Crow and never ever thought of another boy again). I know, that is no reason to have favorites, but I just can't work up a head of steam for Big Mike or anyone of the curly haried girls.

My favorite performances: Didi Benami and Lee Dewyze - I don't love the whole dead best friend pimpin', but I loved her performance. And who the heck is Lee Dewyze? Does he have some backstory? Perhaps not, but he can sing for sure!

My favorite tiny little miss-steppers: Alex Lambert and Haeley Vaugn - Yes, Haley (I am sorry but just because her mom can't spell doesn't mean I have to put up with that foolishness.) your rendition of I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND was a train wreck, but your giant, giant mouth charms me and your voice is great and I just like you. Alex Lambert practically pooped his pants during his performance, but after he sang and talked about how awesome it was to play with the band, he just charmed the hell out of me!

The persons who heretofore annoyed the teeth off me but I am warming towards: Lilly Scott and Todrick Hall - She was so irritating singing FIXING A HOLE, but I was intrigued by the whole thing and almost had one of those "Adam Lambert singing RING OF FIRE holy crap I get it" moments that you really only get when Adam Lambert sings RING OF FIRE and you kind of love it but don't know why. And I loved that when Simon asked Todrick where he heard the funk version of SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE, he said, "In my head." Hello Todrick, I'm Brunie. We might just be friends!

The persons who irritate me quite a lot, but I can't deny they are talented: Crystal Bowersox and Andrew Garcia - Shut up about your stupid kids, already.

Those who I hope had a nice journey and won't be back: Tim Urban, Jermaine Sellers, Janelle Wheeler and Lacy Brown. Don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out...

The rest of them may be back and I don't really care what happens to them.

Bitter, bitter and looking forward to finding out how this herd is culled!

Brunie, OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brunie- You know the type I tried to bed in college...the Casey's of the world. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

As for Haylee however the crap you spell your name, she annoys the hell out of me. I can not look at that mouth. I imagine her devouring my unborn son. Very scary.
I'm not all that impressed yet. I thought they all pretty much sucked so far. I'm sure it will change over the next few weeks but they need some serious coaching!