Monday, April 26, 2010

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N !

Queried one of our many fans, "Was the 'inspirational' week so non-inspirational that there is no update?"

Though many flip remarks come to mind (We hate inspiration! We are all about boot straps and perspiration!), the real answer is that around these parts it's school vacation week, and we devoted mammas have been tending to our young and spending that quality time.

(I read four library books and fell in love with a new cocktail, the Trystini: raspberry vodka, triple sec, and passion fruit nectar. Boy howdy, is it gooooooood!!!)

(In other words: AWESOME week.)

I have every expectation that blogging will resume this week, as the kids are back in school and we have nothing but time on our hands.

Then again, flesh is weak. Que sera sera.

Lady Trystini Chardonnay out!

1 comment:

BrunhildeCrow said...

I have been wondering for so long what your first name is and now I know!