Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fallen Angel

Wow. Did NOT see that coming.

I watched the last 15 minutes of last night's show, and when I saw who was in the bottom 3 (after doing a double-take at Casey), I nodded wisely. Yes, sage that I am, I called it: Mike is going home.

Well, we all know how that played out.

I'm sad but not stunned. Siobhan peaked early, fell quickly, and never regained her momentum. I hope that she goes on to have a lovely and colorful career — she's talented and focused, and I wish her all the best.

Now, Casey in the bottom 3 instead of Lee? America, you are on ludes. And that is one American girl's opinion.

Lady C, out!


BeckEye said...

Yeah, I don't get all the judges' love for Lee. He's like the lead singer of every crappy faux-hard rock band on the radio.

Oh wait...I think I just figured out why they love him so much!

miss wordperfect said...

I'm not that disappointed that Siobhan is gone, I think she has a strong voice but she has so far to go as an artist, IMO.

It also confirms my theory that you canNOT make the Bitch Face of Doom at the judges two weeks in a row when they give you negative feedback and not expect to pay for it. As Tim Urban knew (how else could he get so far?): America does not like the BFOD!!