Thursday, January 15, 2009

Two for Two!

Another perfectly okay round, give or take a few freaks. Standouts for me:
  • Matt Wrightsy, big bald guy with the sweet voice. I love me a big bald guy who can sing.
  • Sweet Jessica, who lives with very deaf Grandma. (It's wrong, so wrong, to laugh at the deaf elderly, but Grandma was a hoot.) I don't even care if Jessica can sing well (though she does), I love this girl and want her to go far. She reminded me of the bespectacled cutie who auditioned in her prom dress a few years ago. In fact, I'm pretending that Jessica is Prom Girl, all grown up. A happy ending! What an inspiration!!
  • Anoop, who is simply adorable.
  • Asa Barnes, Band director—when he first appeared on screen, Mimosa and I, in unison, went, "Mmmm." And he has the cutest daughter.
And possibly the best:
  • Lil Rounds, mother of three—gorgeous voice and a class act to boot. This year's Melinda, I think, but with a more proportional head. I really really really like her.
I was most disturbed by Brian (chest hair, medallion, "operatic" voice)—not by his audition itself, though it was dreadful, but by the sweetly hopeful looks on the faces of who I assume are his parents. Have they . . . never heard their son sing? Has their love for their child truly made them that tone deaf and and that clueless? This upset me on so many levels. Thank God for strong drink.

I was underwhelmed by Von Smith (Fedora Guy who BELTED "Over the Rainbow," though we've had great fun imitating him ever since), but I did like the dorky little skipping he did afterward. Oh, yeah—he'll go far.

Today's Idol Tale of Inspiration belongs to poor Danny with the poor dead wife and the singing BFF Jamar: "an emotional story of strength and courage." So far, all the Inspirers have been decent singers who are "going to Hollywood, baby!" I wonder if that will always be the case. Would Idol simply toy with our heartstrings with no emotional payoff? Would it? Could it?

I'm sorry we didn't see more of the blonde with the funky glasses and the purple dress (who's also going to Hollywood)—I like her look.

And finally, the unexpected joy of the night—seeing sweet Jason Castro again! Sweet spacey Jason. And I like his brother fine. Michael Castro doesn't seem to have big brother's sleepy charisma, but there's something there. We'll see. (Li'l Martini adores him and has anointed him his new favorite.)

Very promising beginning, I must say!

And that is all from Lady Chardonnay.


Unknown said...

Lady Chardonnay I could not agree with you more! Well, for most of it. I couldn't stand the other Castro, but am loving the cocky new Castro Bro. What do you think about the new judge?

Lady Chardonnay said...

Hi Elizabeth! I'm liking Kara quite a bit – she's bright and snappy. I'm just hoping the show's not pulling a Deborah Norville, if you know what I mean. Poor ol' Paula.

Time will tell, I guess. Thanks for reading! — Lady C.