Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome to Happy-ville!

Well, other than having missed the party of the decade yesterday, (the one at Mrs. Cyn's) and being sicker than Miss Shirley's dyspeptic goat, I am a-twitter with joy. Oh, no reason!

Of course I mean because of President Barack Obama! Certainly not because of Idol...

I am enjoying it, but no one is jumping out and making me squeal. Former record label was okay. Really pretty Bad Company boy was okay. Teen mom freaked me out with her Aretha Faking voice.

I do think Leneshe (the homeless girl) is as cute as a bug and can write a song! "I like your thuggish way..." hee! Wilbur rewound her sad face when Paula said no to her about 10 times. He is either in love or a sadist.

This is craziness, but soon we will be in Hollywood!

Brunie, OUT!

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