Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Eight are (nearly) Great!

Dang me! (I have stolen this from Lady C. and I have been saying it for a week and a half...) I had a great time watching last night. And it wasn't just because Mrs. Mama made warm chocolate chip cookies! I think what I like with the guys is that they really are very different from one another.

Luke sang WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO and he seemed confident and the song sounded great for his voice. Randy said it was "corny"! Dude, it is eighties night - ride the wave of corn... It was my favorite of his performances. I think he may still be going home, but he may have a fan base that we don't know about. And Simon was harsh. That may keep him in if people call to spite him.

Little Davy Archuletta sang ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE and he sounded like a tiny Mormon angel. I just want to put him in my pocket so that he can climb up on my shoulder and sing to me to calm me down all day. The judges didn't love him completely and yet they did. And he seems more articulate than before.

Danny Noriega who was once so embarassed that he "turned as read as a cute little tomato". How can I not love him. I love his expressive face and his tiny gay Elvis moves and his smooth-scratchy voice. And yet I tire of him. How can it be? He sang TAINTED LOVE which was a cute choice. I still hope he stays - thanks VFTW! Also, I like Randy's comments about being vocally shy. Paula was sweet and Simon was a meanie. And then they all made moose antlers and Simon looked like he would rather be doing anything else.

Is it wrong that I find David Hernandez infinitely more interesting now? He sounded fantastic singing IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW. I love his voice and he seems like a likable sort, and yet he is one of the forgettable ones to me. I love the way he takes criticism. He looks like he is really considering what they are saying.

Micheal Johns once got beat up when he was dressed like a kangaroo. So now I don't mind that people seem to worship him like a 70s-haired Australian god. It was a great song choice for him, DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME, but ultimately a boring song. Randy, I think mistakenly, attributed the song to Micheal Hutchence - but whatever. I just like to point out the flaws of others. Simon proves himself a weenie by saying "I really like you!" meaning that, for him, singing doesn't matter as much as marketability.

David Cook wore a hat during his most embarrassing moment film-let covering the sins of his egregious hair. He sang HELLO and sounded strong and good. Lady C and my long-time internet pal the Southern-Fried Lawyer and her husband adore him and so I started listening without looking at him and he really can sing. So okay - I don't loath him any more. Congratulations. Funniest line of the night, "I was in Whole Foods. I was buying carrots, he was buying cereal. True story!" Bwahahahaha!

Jason Castro sang HALLELUJAH and it was all kinds of beautiful. He really sang it like he meant it. I don't know if it is just because the song is so amazing or if it was his singing. His grampa is as cute as a bug, too.

I bought Chikeze's version of I BELIEVE TO MY SOUL and it is awesome. However he sang ALL THE WOMAN I NEED. Which sounded amazing. Simon shot him down because it was once sang by Whitney. But Randy said that Luther Vandross sang it, too. Simon gets up on his gender-pony and acted the ass about "Did Whitney sing it?" I hope he doesn't go home because he is still my favorite.

I really don't want anyone to leave. Realistically I think Luke and David Hernandez or Chikeze. I would love to see Micheal Johns go and if it weren't for vote for the worst Danny would be going.

And the last three to sing made me very happy tonight. And yes, that means David Cook, Lady C!

Brunie, OUT!


Lady Chardonnay said...

I don't want any boy to go home either! Not even Danny Noriega! I dislike his voice, but he made me HOOT when Ryan claimed not to have noticed Danny's purple streaks. "Mm-hmm," Danny diva-ed. Snap! What a riot.

Keep all the guys and Brooke and Ramiele and Asia'h, and I don't care who the other girl is, and give up on the gender balance thang. That's what I'm voting for. Now who do I call?

Lady C

Dave said...

Luke is a dead man walking.

Of the others, I think Chikezie is the most likely to get the boot, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Jason, David H. or even Danny.

kristine said...

OK - so, I missed Luke's performance but that's fine because what a corny song. I missed wheezy boy, but caught Simon's gloomy comment. Can't anyone refer to the wheezy sound? Am I seriously the only one who hears it? Danny - puhleeze! He so needs to go, and not because he butchered one of my favorite sing-in-the-car-as-loud-as-you-can songs, but because he cannot win. David H was fine but not as good as last week. I still like 2 first names, but he could have chosen a much better 80's song like maybe a real INXS song! The whole reason to watch this week were the next two performers - David C and Jason. I loved them! And voted for them repeatedly - which worries me that I could get through so often. Actually, I liked them so much that I think I was still thinking about them when Chicky sang - because I don't remember him at all, and I know I watched the whole thing.

Unknown said...

The guys were loads better than the ladies. It's sad that pretty Luke will most likely have to leave.