Wednesday, April 08, 2009

7 from the 80's and 1 from the 90's??!!

Brunie, we are all old. Except for these Idol kids. Good God, most of them are younger than my oldest children - egad!
What was the deal with the dead guy in the audience??
And is Ryan Baggins any taller than he was in that baby picture - I don't think so.

Danny: Went first and is just great. What can I say - he's an excellent singer and not irritating in any way. Danny stays.

Kris: I don't get the judges' problem with Kris last night. I think he is getting cuter and funkier each week

Lil: What the heck, Lil? It was like she was imitating Tina Turner. She did the same walk and shoulder shrugs - like she was actually imitating Angela Basset imitating Tina. I can't understand why she cannot find a song to sing that would do her voice justice. I hope she does not go home without reaching her potential in even one performance. OK, one since the very first show when she was great. I am tired of contestants saying, after a bad performance, "If you vote me back I will do everything right next week." You have to do it right this week!!!

Anoop: As Lady C. mentioned, I had a major flame during the time when True Colors was a hit. It really characterized the guy at the time. Although this was one of Anoop's better performances, he is just OK to me, and I don't see him having a major recording career. Maybe he could do one of those Bollywood musicals.

Blind Kid: Yes, he is still blind, and, Dear Anonymous, I am pretty sure he knows it. His performance was PAINFUL. So AWKWARD, so PITCHY. Please Idol God, send him home already.

Allison: Allison! Born in 1992!!!!! She is totally BADASS! I LOVE the sound of her voice, and her performance was spot on. She looks good in heels too. Allison, I see your future - an all-girl band fronted by you with seriously professional talented bandmates. Kinda like the Runaways but better. Damn, girl!

Matt: Here we go - Stevie Wonder - excellent choice, Matt! This is the soul pad he needs to lease on a long-term basis.

Blagojevich Hair Boy: I found this number to be very sing-songy, up and down and up and down. I did not like the song. I did not like the light under his butt. I did not like it Sam I Am. I did not like this puffy-haired ham.

Love & Kisses,
Mrs. Cynicletary

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