Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Surprised Already...

I really thought it would be Brooke! When they had Syesha sit back down I thought "Surely they are tricking me into thinking that Kristy Lee is going home..."

I am not surprised or displeased. But she has gotten better lately and Brooke was pretty weak last night.

I knew Little Davy wouldn't pick the group that was going/staying he just sat his deliberate little fanny on the stage. Cheeky monkey! I have no feelings for him. I think he is a cylon. And how funny that big Dave felt no compunction about sashaying over and sitting right next to him safe in the knowledge that he is not going home.

In other news - check out my little man. He was in my happy meal and for the first time in years, my happy meal toy made me happy. Even though it was probably fashioned by Chinese political prisoners, it is too awesome. See how he reclines atop his cushioney bun while the drink boy screams in anguish behind him? Dinner is fun again! He also played a little tune, but Mr. Crow threw him down the stairs and struck him mute. Thanks, Mr. Crow!

Brunie, OUT!


Anonymous said...

loved the happy meal toy! i want one! or two or three and maybe one that looks like michael johns. hmmm... our hometown paper (sorry, it's the washington post)called little davey "the known teen anarchist" for sitting down on his tush and then reported that "he is currently being reprogrammed by fox." not as funny as your bit, but still...

Anonymous said...

I'm frightened by life in the Crow household...

Lady Chardonnay said...

I personally have made out with Mr. Crow, though maybe that doesn't make you less frightened, Mrs. C.

I can't tell if you, Brunie, are dissing Man-Dave or not, but Ryan had already indicated that the group to his left was safe before M-D parked it next to little-D. My Man-Dave is quietly confident, but he takes nothing for granted.

Lady C, who has seen Mr. Cynicletary in his jammies but not so much with the making out

Dave said...

The fact that you think The Arch is a cylon makes me hot (don't tell Mrs. High Lord I said that).