Thursday, April 26, 2007

Does Idol Hate Jordin?

I am not going to comment on all the goings on last night because I didn't really watch them. (Thank you, TiVo!) I just skittered through all the singing. I was just showing up for "the most shocking reslults ever!" And shocking they were. But were they shocking to the Idolettes?

The only thing that makes me want to write is the burning question - did the tell the Idolettes how it was going to go? I am pretty sure that they did, otherwise Chris would have to be a lot more poised than I think he is. When he was in the final two (the way he will be next week, bye!) he didn't get that dead-in-the-eyes look he has in the past. And Jordin was still sparklie as ever. If it had been me I would have bawled like a baby starting immediatly. And we all know what a crier Jordin is. So I think that Idol perhaps doesn't hate Jordin at all, after all.

I can't comment on next week with out seeing the participants sing. I'm not Nostradamus for heaven's sake. So I won't say goodbye to Phil, Chris or Lakeshia just yet.

Brunie, OUT!

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