Thursday, February 21, 2008

Those who shall remain nameless.

It is only with careful note-taking that I am able to remember anything about most of these kids. They remain numbers to me until they prove themselves. Except that I have a dim memory of most of the boys being named David. So, in that cold, heartless spirit for which I am renowned, here we go:
Boy#1 - I liked him, I think he has potential. I think he's one of the many Davids.
Boy#2 - I kinda remember his name is something like Cheekago or something. Dude, the suit is heinous! And I hate that mouthy back talk that some kids give Simon. Just shut up and take it, we don't even know your name yet, Cheezsammich!
Boy#3 - Eh - hate that little cheesy sideways smile.
Boy #4 - My Mother used to sing this song to my Dad. 'Nuff Said. Hated it.
Boy#5 - I like One is the Loneliest Number - a great song, an OK rendition.
Boy#6 - The tiny white Blues Brother. Love him!
Boy#7 - Jailhouse LAME!
Boy#8 - Mr. Cynicletary says that this guy kinda looks like Hugh Jackman - Lady C - do you agree - does he look like one of your many faux-husbands? He reminded me of Donny Osmond. And that ain't good.
Boy #9 - Boy singing Suspicious Minds - DO NOT SMILE WHILE SINGING OF HORRIBLE BREAK-UPS!!
Boy#10 - Peter Frampton's secret love child. I think he has potential if he could stop being terrified.
Boy#11 - Happy dread lock guy with happy singing style. I happy him.
Boy#12 - Damn - pretty good, oh nameless one!
I hope Cheezit and Ultra lame Jailhouse Rock singer go bye bye tonight.
Girl #1 - BORING
Girl#2- FLAT
Girl #4- The first interesting performer of the night - she rocked it!
Girl # 5- I like the song Where the Boys Are - too bad she did NOTHING with it!
Girl #6 - Still just singing the song plain and easy - please, do SOMETHING with the song!
Girl #7- OK, I remember this name because she and Ryan said it like 20 times. Alexandrea Lushington. Lushington - isn't that your maiden name, Lady Chardonnay?? She was young and entertaining, thank you, Miss Lushington.
Girl #8: Personality is funny and cool, vocals just OK last night.
Girl #9 - Good! Young! Loose!
Girl #10 - Another good song - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me...not bad on the vocals, but her outfit was way too casual and unflattering.
Girl #11 - GREAT VOICE!
Girl #12 - Strong voice, bad teeth.
Any two girls #1, 2, 3, 5 or 6 can go tonight and I will never have wasted a brain cell on remembering their names.
Love & Kisses,
Mrs. Cynicletary


BrunhildeCrow said...

Hurrah! You are here! I was so worried.
Cheezesammich - heh...

I didn't care enough about any of the girls to post. And I shan't watch tonight because of the massive amounts of filler.

Lady Chardonnay said...

I am here - thanks for picking up the slack heretofore. I am ready with many insults and cold blooded characterizations. I'll watch tonight in between Survivor. It's really interesting this season! And I can look at James. Mmm...James...