Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Knock, Knock. Who's There?

Katharine and Elliot, that's for sure–they aren't going anywhere tonight. I tried their lines, off and on, for the whole two hours and only got through once apiece.

I voted for Katharine because her voice sounded lovely and I felt that she needed my support. Didn't love the song, but—whatever. Katharine's my girl.

And as for Elliot—Elliot! Elliot! Elliot!—I may have found my new object of obsession, my Anthony 2006, the one I will manically hit "redial" for. I thought he sounded amazing last night. That gorgeous voice of his was pure gold. And he's looking better all the time and seemed comfortable and happy—he owned the stage. I LOVED his performance. And based on the 2 billion busy signals I got, he's safe as all giddyup this week.

Who else? Taylor—hmm. I'm curious to know what the Taylor fans thought. I suspect that if you love Taylor, you thought it was wonderful. I love Taylor's voice, but Taylor himself kinda irks me, and last night I mostly felt irked. Plus, hasn't that song been done to death on Idol? Ah, well. Taylor isn't going anywhere.

I enjoyed Ace, who wasn't nasal at all, and Bucky didn't bother me. Paris looked cute, but I'm with Simon here—a little weird.

I've learned that hard-rocker Chris is not my friend, so I cheerfully fast-forwarded through his performance after the second note and never looked back. (I was at a PTA meeting last night and couldn't watch in real time, but it was very nice because Elliot sang to me three times, which spells "happy!" in my book. And yes, I said PTA; Lady Chardonnay is a party girl by day and a PTA mom by night, which is one trippy schedule to maintain, I'll say that. Mrs. Cynicletary and I started partying at exactly 11:32 a.m. yesterday, and I hope she'll tell you all about her new plan to match her cocktails with her outfits.)

And then there was Kellie. Oh, lordy. HATED her performance. Hate, hate, hate, beyond all reason.

(As if my opinion on Kellie mattered one iota. I am feeling jaded and cynical.)

But then I think of Elliot and how completely totally all-out SAFE he is this week, and the world is happy and muffiny again.

Lady Chardonnay, giddy with her not-so-secret crush, and OUT.

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