Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mr. Donnie Hathaway

Well shame on me for not knowing about Donnie Hathaway! I assumed by his name and by the way that Elliot sang "A Song For You" that he was some smarmy former boy-band guy like Bobby Brown or Justin Timberlake. In reality, he has a beautiful voice which I have enjoyed in the past in "The Closer I Get to You" with Roberta Flack.
And having listened to his version of "A Song For You" I think that Randy, Paula and Simon should have ripped Elliot a new one for singing it not half as well as the original. And the Hathaway version has a beautiful piano part, simple and lovely. Not the over produced crap-fest we usually get from the AI Band.
Love and kisses,

1 comment:

Lady Chardonnay said...

"The Closer I Get to You" will live forever in my personal Hall of Infamy, as that is the song I once danced to with Eric Prusee, aka Profusely Sweaty Boy. He steamed MY pores open, is how bad it got. And I love Roberta Flack, so all my wrath must be directed at Mr. Hathaway. Gah.

Really, it's an okay song, but man. The sweat of others is disgusting. As are most of their fluids.

Lady C