Saturday, March 25, 2006

1950s - The Golden Age of Propaganda and Manipulation

originally uploaded by thejoyofidol.
I enjoyed this week and I am thrilled to see Kevvie go (althought I think he gave his best performance this week) but I really saw the puppetmaster's strings this week.

"Bucky must go!" read the memo from the puppetmaster "And make sure Kellie and Ace stay!" and the fine folks at AI did what they could to make it happen. They put the big guns up front. And nobody has bigger guns than Mandisa!

She was hot and awesome and brilliant singing "I Don't Hurt Anymore". Even Simon had to admit that she was sexy as hell. And you know Simon hates the large.

(And Lady C. reminded me of a funny story. Last year or the year before they sent a sad-song-singing big-girl to Hollywood but she made the mistake of singing "I'm So Excited" and got sent home. Lady C said, "Simon doesn't like to hear fat girls sing that they are excited about sex." And I replied, "He perfer they sing that they are excited about pie." Now that I type this I realize it was much funnier when Lady C said it out loud. But it was a lot of typing and I'm not going to erased it now. So suck it up...)

So Mandisa kicked it hard. Then they made Bucky follow her with "oh, boy" (the lack of capitalization is on purpose). He sounded fine - as many have before him. As others did this very night. But the judges ripped him a new one. Okay, not ripped, but you could tell Simon was trying desperatly not to say "plane ticket home" on the off chance that it would make people pity-vote.

Then came little French-y. Paris, of Paris - I had nearly forgotten why I like you so much. She sang "Fever" like she had been doing it forever. Classy, sultry, sparkly, amazing. She looked impossibly beautiful, too. I loved it.

Chris came out and sang something that had a vague tie to Johnny Cash. He sounded great and very much like he has every week. The light show almost made me have a seizure like those Japanese children who were watching Pokemon.

Kat sounded great and looked beautiful, but she seems so forgettable to me. Don't get me wrong - she is really really talented and I think she has a real shot. She just doesn't hook me like my personal top 4 - Mandisa, Paris, Chris and - next up - Taylor.

Taylor was less irritating this week, but his song choice was bad. It sounded great, but there just wasn't much too it. I wasn't too worried about him being sent home.

Then we entered dullsville. The singers who were positioned to make the other slightly less dull singers sound better by comparison.

Lisa, Kevin and Elliot - the expendables. Everybody knows they're going - its just the order of departure that is a mystery. They were all fine. Kevin actually picked a really good song and sounded good. Elliot sounded good and made no impression on me with "Teach Me Tonight" and I remember that Lisa exists, but that's about it.

So after the doldrums came Kellie who did sound great and look trashy but not too trashy singin "Walking After Midnight". It sounded more like "I go walking after midnight with a fifth of burbon towards a roadhouse where I am going to meet a trucker or two and have some really dirty revenge sex" than "I'm walking because I miss you" but whatever - it worked.

Then Ace sang "In the Still of the Night" which sounded fine. But I am not a fan of the Ace . He has weird facial tics and gets mor Constantinified every week.

And then the next night Kevin went home. Seriously, that is all I saw. I was watching "Veronica Mars" as any sane person would be doing - and I switched channels just long enought to see Bucky and Kevin blinking away before commercial. Then I switched back to see Kevin singing. And I was pleased.

Brunhildecrow, OUT!

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