Wednesday, March 01, 2006


All the girls are so pretty. Even if they cant sing they are so pretty. They all look so pretty.
Except Mandisa. She has a pretty face. Don't let her forget its just her face, Paula.

I also was not that impressed.

Kat was first and she was fine. I like her voice, but she wasn't smokin'.
I liked Kinnick a lot. Her singing was also fine (just assume that everyone is fine and no better until I say otherwise.) but her attitude was totally fun.
I loved little Lisa Tucker and her face of a million contortions. Cute as a but and just the right size to slip in your pocket like an i-pod.
Melissa was also pulling out the stops to impress us with a Reba tune. Okay, I wouldn't know a Reba tune if it came over to my house and permed my hair, but I pay attention. Anyway - It was a cute song and she made an impression.
Heather (going home) sang "Hero" by someone I have never heard of and this act of sacrilige will be getting her butt kicked to the curb. I didn't know that she was funny. But she is and I voted for her, but I doubt it will help.
Brenna (please, oh please going home) sang the worst arrangement of Last Dance ever. The judges said she didn't "bring it"but I blame the arranger more than her. And frankly, at that point of the night we were still waiting for "it" to arrive because it wasn't brought.
Paris looked like a cross between Sophie Tucker and Mrs. Beasley but she sounded (say it with me) fine singing Bette Midler's ode to the dead or elderly or otherwise special "Wind Beneath My Wings". (Can you tell I am at work and thus can use italics in my post?)
Ayla and her horrible butch-no-more hair sang something about wanting or needing or something. She likes makeup and grooming now. She's fine.
Kellie gave us "Something to Talk About". If by talking about she means saying it was fine. She didn't like calamari. But shoes and indoor plumbing are a-ok with her.
Finally, Mandisa came out and sang and made me love love love her some more. I never heard that song except maybe vaguely in the background but I was planning on downloading it from itunes until I learned that it was Faith Hill who I loathe on purely on principle and so I will just wait until Mandisa records it herself!

And I await the boys with baited breath. I have not seen anyone of them sing with the band.

Brunhildecrow, OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was it me or did you notice that the band and the back up singers sucked for the girls or was it just me? They sounded so off and I had to ask myself can the girls hear them? They would have me forgeting where I was. I just hope they weren't.
And you're right about the arranger. I think that person must have been taking too much meth when he/she was working on the songs for the poor girls. The tempo was off on almost all of them. Aaaahhhhh, (breath)okay I think it's going to be Lisa. That is my prediction. Otherwise it will be one of the guys. As much as I would LOVE for it to be Mandisa, because whe would probably be the one to really earn and deserve it, we all know why she won't. Dirty Bastards. (breathe again)
Let's see what the boys bring.