Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cringe free entertainment

As much as Barry Manilow makes me want to spit up a bit, he was so great with all the kids last night. It really is one of my favorite parts of the show, when the kids learn from seasoned professionals, legends even, and we can really see the results of these very special private lessons. I love watching the kids grow into professionals. And I love when someone can step up and perform well in the face of great pressure. It's the same reason why I like sports. You've only got a few minutes to bring all of your training and practice to fruition. But I digress...

Mandisa - awesome-o! She looked fantastic! She sounded great! You just have to love her - even Simon acknowledged that she's sexy.
Chris - you just get hotter, and doing the faithful-to-my-woman thing will only make other women want you even more. A terrible irony. Great job of making Walk the Line work, Baby!
Paris - the cutest little talent bundle! She finally showed us what she can do - what a voice! She will leave us breathless someday soon.
Bucky - just an OK job - he will probably be in the bottom three tonight. He's very likeable though.
Katherine - beautiful, although I expected Simon to say she seemed a little old. She will go a long way.
Elliot - what a difficult song to sing, and he did extremely well with it. He is super-talented, and I really like him.
Lisa - very cute, well sung, but she just does not move me. I think she will be in the bottom three also.
Kevin - very high school musical as Simon said. He just is not the American Idol. He will be in the bottom three as well.
Taylor - there just wasn't enough singing in that song, but he performed well, and is losing weight fast.
Kelli - she was super cute and sounded great, except for the french r rolling thing she did - like she had a french accent - did anyone else notice that?
Ace - much better than last week. But how weird is it to have a four year old think you're cute?

All in all, a very good show and no one made me cringe. Not even Barry Manilow.

Love & kisses,
Mrs. Cynicletary


Lady Chardonnay said...

Darling, when you say "cringe free" in the context of Mr. Manilow, it's like hearing a Manilow-loving person shriek, "AWESOME!" In other words, you just moved me to tears, you stone-hearted woman, you! Boo-hoo!

Lady Chardonnay, still aglow from last night's all-around excellence and the wonder that is Barry

Anonymous said...

At the risk of offending my Manilow-loving friend......

....if Barry Manilow gets any more Botox in his face, he'll lose the ability to blink.

The bottom three was correct, and I think that Lisa and Bucky will go next, followed by Ace. But then what? The rest are all quite talented and/or probably have a big fan base. Ah, for the days that you still had a Jasmine Trias to shake your head at....

Anonymous said...

It was very refreshing, given his well-known prejudices in this respect, to hear Simon describe the performance of a not-thin woman as sexy. Go Mandisa!

Kate S.