Friday, March 09, 2007

When is 50% right 100% wrong?

Answer - when America votes out Antonhella and Smarmy-boy, yet keeps Haley and...SANJAYA! It's a travershamockery! Recent discussions with Mr. Cynicletary and a friend who considers himself to be God, have brought a cogent fact to light. India is the second most populous country on earth. Sanjaya is Indian. You do the math - Sanjaya will be the next Amercan Idol!!

Next week they will start with the themes, and the kids will not be able to sing any song that they know and like, but must perform unknown ones that they have to learn in a week. Let's count the kids who will forget the Will all Sanjaya's people vote for him if he REALLY screws up? I don't think it will be too long before we find out.

I don't feel bad about Sundance, but Sabrina was robbed. Haley over Sabrina? It's just wrong!

Love & kisses,
Mrs. Cynicletary

p.s. For one who claims such youthfulness, it seems Lady C.'s musical tastes arrested sometime in 1975. She's a hep cat, no jive!

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